I have four books on my out from the library
stack right now.
The top two are almost identical in size; they are, respectively,
Model Order Reduction Techniques with Applications in Finite Element
Analysis (Qu) and Group Supermatrices in Finite Element
Analysis (Zlokovic). As far as I can tell, the former book has at
least twice the density of information per page -- not in a strict
information-theoretic sense, of course -- that the latter has. This is
mostly an illustration of the importance of compact notation: for about
half the book on symmetry groups in finite elements, the author just
shows page after page of large block matrices, most of which could be
written in perhaps a tenth of the space by a wiser choice of notation.
A picture is woth a thousand words? Bah! Only when the picture is
chosen wisely.
- Currently drinking: Coffee