Thursday, March 11, 2004

The weather this week has been balmy. It has reached 80 in many places, and it is supposed to remain this warm through Saturday. I have enjoyed the heat during my bike rides and walks, but I'm not looking forward to sitting in class today. On Tuesday, the heat was stifling in the classroom where my fluids course meets. I expect it will be the same today.

Patxi told me last night that he and Esther are planning to move. They've found a place they really like, which may open in the next few months. I'm not sure how the timing will work; our lease doesn't run out until June, I think, and none of us are in a tremendous rush. I understand why they want to move: our two-bedroom apartment, though spacious for two, is not so spacious for three; and I think Esther will be more comfortable sharing housing with her boyfriend than with her boyfriend and his quirky flatmate. Still, this is drattedly inconvenient. I'd hoped not to move again until after graduation.

  • Currently drinking: Black currant tea