Day in the life
- Get up. Coffee. Tease flatmate.
- Taylor's theorem, integration by parts, Cauchy-Schwartz.
Rinse and repeat. Get error estimate.
- Check numerically whether estimate holds for simple test case.
Discover algebra errors in the proof. Correct proof.
- Discover algebra errors in the test program. Correct test program.
- Discover errors in the compiler. Swear. Let out cat, who is spooked.
Lower optimization level.
- Decide result looks too simple not to be standard. Search through
references for something similar.
- Discover promising reference. Wade through ten pages of dense functional
analysis, decide that it's not quite the same, but close enough.
Add citation to my notes. Let the cat in.
- Add page to thesis. Get up, stretch, dance in circles to a song
on the radio. Spook the cat, who I let out again.
- Lunch. Let cat back in.
- Go onto campus. Check mail. Read blogs for half an hour.
- Add feature to HiQLab.
- Index error, index error, type error, core dump. Swear.
Rinse and repeat.
- Fix index errors. Run test case. It fails. Swear.
- Discover error in the test case. Fix it, discover a sign error
meant I was computing the negative of the quantity I wanted.
Fix sign error. Test passed! Code crashes on exit.
- Swear. Spend half an hour figuring out and working around quirk in
the dynamic linking system which led to the crash.
- Walk home. Talk to Winnie on the phone as I go. Make dinner, which
is salad, since there's nothing much in the fridge and I actually
remembered to eat lunch.
- Recommence work on HiQLab. Stall out. Take a tea break.
- Tease flatmate.
- Decide to work on compilers stuff for a while. Write an LL(1) parser
generator in Lisp. Chortle after I reduce the code size to under 200
lines. All tests passed! Realize that it's 1 am.
- Brush teeth. Fall into bed.