Monday, May 19, 2003

Last night and this morning I read Born to Run by Mercedes Lackey, which was good for a couple hours light entertainment. I finished reading Symmetry this afternoon, and finished the first half of Mary Stewart's My Brother Michael this evening. Symmetry is an excellent little book; Hermann Weyl had the same taste in popular mathematical exposition that I admire in Ian Stewart. And My Brother Michael is difficult to put down. I heard someone comment that the Greek countryside was one of the major characters in the book, and it was a very true comment. It makes me want to visit Greece.

I took another long walk in the sun this afternoon, too. I meandered up the hill to the top of Solano, spent some time browsing the book stores, and then wandered home. On the way back, I stopped at Albertson's to buy bread and cereal. I made chili for dinner. It turned out well, and I shared some with Patxi, some with Mike, and some with Heidi. There is just enough left for lunch tomorrow.

I'll have to season the chili this way again. I put in less cumin and chili powder and more lime juice and black pepper than I usually do. More cumin might have been nice, but the lime juice and black pepper went well.

Esther finished The Years of Rice and Salt, and I've now loaned her a Terry Pratchett book. And I loaned Mike several books. Loaning books brings me much glee, almost as much as reading books does.